About our services

Easy2switch is one of the UK’s leading energy consultancies specialising in the farming industry. We work directly with farmers, with industry organisations, utility companies, and manufacturers, providing a wide range of advice and practical support to farm businesses.

As well as working within the farming industry, we also help businesses and home owners alike to find a better energy deal through our network of suppliers.

Energy comparison for a better deal

Our business energy objective:

  • Provide you with a simple, time & cost saving process for the procurement of business energy.
  • Help manage any disputes, metering or billing issues.
  • Advise on new regulation that might impact or have cost to your business.
  • Offer a trusted link between you and your business energy suppliers.
  • Provide guidance on the ideal time to issue tenders or secure energy contracts.
  • Recommend ideal contract durations, based on your requirements.
  • Confirm suitability of business energy supplier terms and conditions.
  • Manage and monitor the set-up of new business energy contracts.

Contract support:

  • Provide direct telephone support via a dedicated account manager.
  • Free dispute and billing resolution.
  • Advice for all matters energy – metering, energy services, regulation etc.

Our promise to you

We promise to always:

  • Treat you and your business with respect.
  • Be honest, open and fair.
  • Remain impartial.
  • Deliver what we promise.
  • Act in your best interest.


We are happy to be bound by and abide to the following regulations:

  • Data Protection Act.
  • FCA.
  • TPI Code of Practice.
  • Business Protection from Misleading Marketing Regulations 2008 (BPMMRs).

Request a Callback

We can arrange the most appropriate electricity or gas contract for your home or business from hundreds of supplier offers, which come in every week.

The service is free to access, either over the telephone or online with our new personal quote service for home or business users. Our service is free to use.

We are now offering a range of competitive green energy deals too.

Request a Callback

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